Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April in Review

April Finished Objects
Links to Rav project pages
1.) Easter Sweater
2.) Roadkill Frog
3.) Red Cabled Pullover
4.) Grandma's Favorite Dishcloth
5.) Magic Treetop Bag
6.) Mara Shawl (finally)
7.) K2, P2 socks

Only 7 projects, but 3 of them were pretty big objects, so I think it balances out...

My proudest accomplishment this month... it's a tie between the Easter Sweater and the Red Cabled Pullover. I can't believe I have finally reached the point in my knitting career where I can leave fear behind me and knit without a pattern! I find myself saying things like, "It's just a sweater- how many times have I made a sweater before?" and "If it goes wrong then I'll just fix it" and "I know what my body is shaped like- all I have to do is make something that fits it!"
I've always thought of myself as a follower rather than a leader (even now, I "designed" patterns by copying other designers' work) but maybe soon I'll work my way towards being a leader and designing something completely original!

I still have 3 projects carrying over from last year: The Hexipuffs (I haven't made a hexipuff all month!), The Ski Sweater (I fixed the sewing machine so I might finish this up soon, if we get another cold patch), and my Calcetines Azules (I should really finish those...). But I finished the Mara Shawl and I am so happy about that!

Techniques Learned
I'm a slacker. So what?

Last Month's April Goals:
1) Don't buy any yarn online
2) Finish the Mara Shawl
3) TOK Knit: Magic Treetop Bag
4) Sock Knit: Love socks (I worked the K2 P2's instead)
5) Finish Crochet blanket

And while I am not crossing off the crochet blanket because I want to add some cute surface crochet to it, it is "technically" done. Like, it's a blanket all right. And it did take up a lot of crafting time, so maybe that's why I didn't get a whole lot done this month?
As for the socks, I worked on a different pair and finished them late at night on the 30th just so they'd count for April! No pics yet, though...

Goals for May:
1) Finish Crochet blanket for realz
2) Sock knit: Love Socks
3) Tok knit: gnome home
4) Pookie- make one or two and tuck away for Christmas
5) No online yarn purchases (Maybe we can keep this one for all year, except birthday, yeah?)

As for my IRL yarn purchases?
I bought: 
6 skeins gala brown- knit into the Easter Swetaer
5 skeins green ribon gala- squirreled away indecently
5 skeins black gala sock yarn- squirreled away indecently
5 skeins white gala sock yarn- squirreled away indecently
and 3 skeins of Premier Serenity Garden Sock yarn in rainbow color from Jo-Ann. I couldn't resist it's rainbow charm.... Also it's really soft and made of microfiber so it's nice and cool.
All the Gala yarn was only a buck a ball, but apparently that actually adds up. The problem is that the Big Lots near my house sells yarn now. I walk to Big Lots daily for a bit of exercise and variety in my days and well... sometimes I succumb. Luckily I bought up everything they had that was any good, and so they shall not tempt me any longer. I can go back to buying expired snacks and cheap energy drinks there...

1 comment:

  1. haha *only* 7? I *might* get one thing finished per month!!


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