Thursday, January 19, 2023


 The story goes, that the weaver Arachne boasted of her weaving skill to the extent that Athena herself came to challenge her to a contest. When Arachne's weaving (depicting the Gods' mistreatment of mortals) was in fact more beautiful than Athena's, Athena was so insulted she tore the piece to shreds. Arachen then hanged herself. And Athena said "Live on then, and yet hang, condemned one, but, lest you are careless in the future, this same condition is declared, in punishment, against your descendants, to the last generation!"

And so Arachne became a spider.

I love spiders.

I find that they represent Patience. Creativity. Cleverness.

I always feel a bit like a spider, in that a lot of people may find me repulsive and want to squish me but that I have some good qualities and really the world is better off with me in it.

Hope you are finding time to craft. This one is almost done.

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