Thursday, July 7, 2016

After a long hiatus...

It seems that between working full-time, going to school full-time, and having a baby took its toll on the knitting blog. Still, I'm happy to report that SOME knitting is still being done. Penelope is now 7 months old, and is clapping and smiling and eating solid food. My son is on summer vacation from school and preparing for the first grade. I'm somewhat going crazy what with breastfeeding and work and home responsibilities. Still, one stitch at a time we are getting through the days.

So, some of the knitting projects I have finished lately:

Empire Strikes Back Dress

All About Love Shawl

Lovey Dovey Two Toned Mitts

And the one I am currently working on:

Now getting into July, I find myself thinking often of Christmas, of knitting, and of Getting It All Done. Quite honestly I've fallen into a pit of being broke and hungry and overworked and perhaps what I need is just to take a big breather and sip a cup of tea and cast on for a sock. Knitting, however, never got the housework done, and it sure doesn't pay the bills... It does do wonders for your mental state, however.

And truly I have missed the blog, and working on projects until they are done and not just abandoning them halfway through. I am over-stressed, it's true. This blog used to be a place where I could go and it never really had deadlines and it never became an obligation and I could always come and go as I pleased and I never sought to explain myself after a long break. I never did the "sorry guys!" type of post because it always seemed lame and cheesy when I read such a post on other blogs. But today I feel the need to explain that yes, things have been knit since the Antler Hat. Yes, my life has continued and there has been knitting that I have not shared with you. And perhaps most importantly yes I am still here. And by "I," I don't just mean the accounting student who is flailing to keep up with deadlines, and I don't mean the mommy who has sung "patty cake" over 20 times today, and I don't mean the Assistant Store Manager of the corner pet store who covered yet another shift. I mean the me who loves being creative and sharing some of the wonderful fantastic things about being on this planet- being able to make sweaters out of sticks and string, and talking late into the night about which needles are the best or which yarn to avoid next time. I think it is important to remember that "I" exist. Not you- not whoever may or may not be reading this blog after more than half a year went past with not a word from me- but myself. Perhaps many of you are mothers too, or have otherwise slipped into an identity that is not allowing you to grow personally. Maybe this small deviation from my normal content will serve as a small reminder to do the things that you love sometimes. If not, then perhaps at least I will have reminded myself to take pleasure in the things I love to do. Knit. Write. Draw. Take a step back from deadlines, and hop on the blog to say a simple hello! I am here!

Anyway. Hopefully the next time I post I will have more sweater to show you.
There is no pattern, just a top down raglan with a center pattern and some cabling down the sleeves. It's fun but not too complex, and easy but not quite mind-numbingly boring.
It's almost 9 pm here and I am going to have a sit-down with my needles and tea. Tomorrow is a 10 hour work day, but I think I have earned a little knitting time.


  1. I am in awe that you've managed to produce such beautiful things with all the rest you have going on. I'm glad you can still find relaxation and an outlet in knitting when it sounds like you have a lot of stress right now, and I'm glad you are able to hold onto a sense of your creative self in all this. Well done and good luck.

  2. i love you ceci! i know exactly how you feel. i got into a creative rut. i had to work a full time job, go to school, and take care of a kid. it does make it hard to pursue creative endevors and to focus on growing as a person. we moved to oregon and i stopped working a normal job and started blowing glass (along with knitting, wire wrapping, and more cooking). it has been extremely nice to fall back into old patterns of reading, creating. i'm luck because i have someone who can still lead me to making money off of a skill while still establishing myself as a glass artist. life likes squish creativity out of people. DON'T LET IT!


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